Jana Görs 🇬🇧

My name is Jana Görs. I was born and raised in Magdeburg and obtained my Master Degree in Computer Science at the Otto-von-Guericke-University of Magdeburg in 2005. In 2006 I founded Zephram together with Graham Horton and René Chelvier.

Since my first contact with Idea Engineering in 2003 I was fascinated by the engineering approach for idea generation and evaluation. It has been always an open question to me how people came up with great ideas like the computer or the automobile.

In 2003 I recognized that goal oriented idea production isn’t that complicated. This was a great insight for me. Since then I believe in the creative potential of every human being. Sometimes they just need a little bit of encouragement of that potential. For me, this was the reason to found the enterprise Zephram together with Graham and René.

In my Master Thesis, I developed a tool for computer-based idea production, in which I combined the advantages of Idea Engineering with computer-based collaboration tools. This tool is named Netstorming. In the next few years, we will develop this tool further together with the University of Magdeburg.

My favorite kind of customer project concerns strategic aspects of the front end of innovation. I also love to be involved in themes like

  • securing the future of the enterprise with innovation
  • designing the front end of innovation
  • enabling innovation potential
  • facilitating ideas

In my experience with ideas and innovation in enterprises, I was able to observe a lot of phenomena such as

  • chances and risks for innovations
  • effects of the corporate culture on idea production and evaluation
  • misuse of the word innovation

In this Blog I will describe some of these observations. Hopefully I can give you some tips for your own innovation process.

I am CEO of Zephram. It is my job

  • to understand the needs of our customers
  • to discover easy to use tools for innovation problems
  • to build effective services for  the front end of innovation
  • to facilitate innovation services
  • to enable innovation potentials

In this manner I can help our customers to create value.

I believe that you can make the impossible possible. There is a favorite quote of mine by the Computer Scientist Alan Kay: The best way to predict the future is to invent it.


Über uns

Innovationsworkshop für einen Automobilzulieferer 2007

Zephram hilft seinen Kunden, mehr Erfolg in der Innovation zu haben. Wir führen Workshops für die Ideenentwicklung und -bewertung durch, unterstützen bei der Durchführung von Innovationsprojekten und bilden Teams in Ideenfindung und Innovationsmanagement aus.


Unsere Kunden reichen von Startup-Accelerators über KMUs bis zu DAX 30-Konzernen. Typische Aufträge sind die Entwicklung von Ideen für neue technische Produkte und Dienstleistungen und die Unterstützung bei Innovationsprojekten.

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