Two weeks ago I visited the University in Al Ain in the United Arab Emirates. The entrepreneurship program (ECIE) for the female students invited us for a workshop and a keynote speech for the event „Opportunities & Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs in times of Global Crisis Workshop“.

It was great to give a key note speech for young students. They have the same concerns of founding a company as everyone else. I would like to share my presentation slides with you that I gave in the key note speech. I hope I could give the students some entrepreneurial insights.

(The trip to the UAE was quite an experience for me. A new country, new culture and so many interesting people. In the UAE 75% of the population are foreigners. You can notice that difference if you join a meeting at the university. In one meeting there are rarely two people from the same country. A huge cultural melting pot!)

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 15. März 2024 von Graham Horton


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Innovationsworkshop für einen Automobilzulieferer 2007

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